So many changes in the past two many. everything has changed.
Yet, I truly am more me than I have ever been.
You too?
I mean....we had a lot of time to change, to grow and to maybe...evolve.
I miss my mom more than ever. She's been gone for a while now, but I find myself wondering what she would say about these days!
She proudly taught junior high students for close to 40 years, and was still tutoring when she passed.
In 2020, I also developed an interest in..some would say obsession with..
Pockets! Maybe that's where I like to hide bits of myself still..but yes. Pockets.
I really wish that I had a grandparent or parent still alive to gift them with a
pocket hoop or
zip bag stuffed full of notes and pictures...hopefully you still have some relatives that could use a physical reminder like this...that we have hope of a newer, safe, kinder normal.
As always, peeps - thank you for all of the support. Could not have done this without you all! And wine. Wine helped, let's be honest.
PS. - If you need some info on discounts and deals, you can always
find it here!
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